Monday, March 22, 2010

Beginning Of Papervision Research...

Today i started my research into Papervision3D 2.1 revision 920. This started with the initial setup and download of the Papervision class in which there are several ways to do, this will alter occurding to which software you are using Flash cs3, cs4, Flex Builder or Flash builder. I have chosen to use Flash Cs3 as this is what is in out labs and i do not want to come across any compatibility issues. After some research into the difference between compiled and non-compiled source code i have chosen to download the non compiled zip source code because unlike the swc it is compatible with Flash Cs3. After downloading the necessary files from google code i configured the authoring tool in Flash for papervision to run.

I also have done some research into trapcode particular and i have created a sample Mov of a preloading icon that will run during load time

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